A little update :-)
I am now 31 weeks pregnant and still as healthy as can be! I have gained 10lbs all together and the baby is about 4 1/2lbs now. I went and had a 4D ultrasound done for my IF and cant wait to give him a first Father's Day gift!
A little about how I am doing.. I am feeling good still, a little sore in the pelvis and extremely exhausted but all that is to be expected, as this little boy has moved down even further to ready himself for birth! My blood results are all normal and perfect and the doc says now its just time to enjoy the rest of the pregnancy and relax! I have NO appetite whatsoever and have to force myself to eat, but mostly snack throughout the day on healthy foods. I am at the point now where my daughter either has to lift me off the couch or I have to get up some energy and throw myself off lol.. same with getting out of bed! I am getting increasingly nervous about giving birth, but I am SO excited to get all the emotions I read about from my fellow surro moms!!
As for the baby, he's measuring a week big as usual :-) He is SO active and no matter how little room he has, he finds a way to wiggle and kick and push anything out that he can. He favors my right side and is currently head down, butt to the right and legs and feet to my left. He pushes his butt out while stretching his legs and its so crazy to watch through my stomach! Like I said, I got 4D pics done and I maybe biased, but he is the cutest surro baby I've ever seen lol :-)
I have 6 weeks until full term and 9 until the due date.. I am kind of hoping he is born on the anniversary of my grandfathers passing.. to create a birth out of a death!! He also carries my grandfather's first name as his American name :-)
Here are some updated pics: