Monday, October 13, 2014

Well hello there Delestrogen..

So, Friday was my first Delestrogen injection and I had myself so worked up that I procrastinated until late in the evening.  I set myself all up in the bathroom, grabbed a long knee high sock and filled it with rice, heated the sock and stuck the Delestrogen inside the sock to heat a little.  I drew a line on my bottom to show me exactly where the shot needed to be (I want everything to go perfectly).  I filled up my needle, iced my bottom with a sausage roll lol and proceeded to inject the meds.  I thought I would continue to procrastinate at this time, but it was a 1.. 2.. 3.. and IN!!  It didn't feel like anything at all, no sting, no stick, no nothing!!  The ice was AMAZING :-)  I think I should have gone in at more of an angle because when i was close to the needle being all the way in, I felt a little pain so I retracted the needle a tiny bit and went a little higher and didn't feel a thing (I probably hit a nerve).  I pulled back a little to see if there was any blood and nothing was there, so I slowly pushed the medicine in so I wouldn't get a lump.  I found the medicine really easy to inject and then it was all over.  Easy and clean!  I used my homemade rice warmer to place on the injection site and disperse the meds.  I havent felt a lump or any ill side effects.. other than HORRID hot flashes and a minimal headache (but I think this is from the Lupron).  But I have FINALLY stopped bleeding, first time in over 2 months and I am SO happy about that.. I'm thinking fluffy thoughts for my next monitoring appt :-) 

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