Tuesday, November 18, 2014


I went for my BETAS on 11/11/2014 and 11/13/2014.  My first round of BETAS were........ **drum roll please**........ 70!!!!  My second set of BETAS were..................................... 221!!!!  More than tripled in 2 days.  My IF was ecstatic and I am so overjoyed for him!!  We have our first ultrasound on Thursday 11/20/2014 and I cannot wait to see the little bean and hear his little bean heartbeat :-)  So far this pregnancy, I am EXHAUSTED.. like, sleep 13 hours a night, falling asleep on the couch or in the car and nearly pinning my eyes open anytime after I eat.. kind of tired!!  Lol :-)  Other than being tired, I don't have much of an appetite and I've been in such a great mood lately.  No morning sickness and my bloating has gone down.  I am enjoying knowing that I am growing life for another person.. its such an incredible feeling!!


  1. Congrats on your numbers! Hope the morning sickness is still holding off!


  2. Thanks :-) No morning sickness!! I am definitely blessed in pregnancies!
