Tuesday, November 18, 2014


I went for my BETAS on 11/11/2014 and 11/13/2014.  My first round of BETAS were........ **drum roll please**........ 70!!!!  My second set of BETAS were..................................... 221!!!!  More than tripled in 2 days.  My IF was ecstatic and I am so overjoyed for him!!  We have our first ultrasound on Thursday 11/20/2014 and I cannot wait to see the little bean and hear his little bean heartbeat :-)  So far this pregnancy, I am EXHAUSTED.. like, sleep 13 hours a night, falling asleep on the couch or in the car and nearly pinning my eyes open anytime after I eat.. kind of tired!!  Lol :-)  Other than being tired, I don't have much of an appetite and I've been in such a great mood lately.  No morning sickness and my bloating has gone down.  I am enjoying knowing that I am growing life for another person.. its such an incredible feeling!!

Monday, November 10, 2014


Big fat POSITIVE that is :-)

Baby boy is happy and baking away and making me tired lol!!  I don't care, as long as he is growing and healthy.

I go in for my blood test tomorrow to check my BETA (HGC) levels and make sure that everything looks good and my levels are nice and high.  My IF and I agreed to do a home test TODAY and this was our result!

He was OVER THE MOON happy :-)
We got to FaceTime this weekend and agreed that we were lucky to meet each other and that there was a connection.  I am so happy for him!!!!  I will post blood results tomorrow :-)

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Transfer Complete..

Transfer is done and baby embie is baking away.. oh, its a BOY!!
Stephanie and I flew down to LA on Monday and settled into our hotel room.  Transfer was at 915am the next morning and I couldn't sleep if my life depended on it, I was so anxious and excited!  We woke up early Tuesday morning and walked to Starbucks right down the way from the hotel and had breakfast.  We then went back to the room and just hung out for a while since the traffic was so crazy to drive anywhere and look around.  We headed to the clinic around 9am (it was a 2 minute drive) and checked in and waited.  At around 10am they took us back and explained what was going to happen and then we waited a few mins for the Doc.  He came in and asked if we were thinking pink or blue.. this was a shocker to me since I had no idea they were doing the PGD.  I thought pink and Steph thought blue and she was right.. baby boy was the best quality embryo!!  Within 15 minutes he was all nestled into my womb and ready to start implantation.  Dr. B made us wait about 15 mins (I was dying with a full bladder lol) and then we went and grabbed some lunch.  We then headed back to the hotel to start bed rest.  I laid on the bed with pillows under my legs and binged on all the snacks I could eat and TV I could watch :-)
I flew home Wednesday and slept almost the entire night after I got home.. I have been SO exhausted!!  I am continuing my meds and injections and go for the pregnancy test on Tuesday!  Such an exciting experience and my IF couldn't be better support!!