Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A little progression..

I am horrible about updating this but will try better from now on :-)

I had my first OB appt and everything went great!  The baby boy has a great heart rate and is growing like a little weed (he's always measured a little big).  I have my next appt next week and cant wait to hear his little heart again!  I wont have another ultrasound until I am 20 weeks, which is all new to me because I was spoiled with my own kids and had an ultrasound at every appt lol.  I have been feeling the little man kick for the last week or two and am now remembering how amazing the feeling is.  Knowing I am growing life for another family is so incredible!!

My IF is coming into town at the end of February and I am very excited to spend some time with him and his mother and have them meet my kids!!  I also cant wait until he can feel the baby kick on the outside. 

As for me myself, I feel great!!  I am no longer tired and feel like I can run a marathon lol.  I always feel so much better when pregnant.  I haven't gained much weight and am continuing to eat as healthy as I can (all I crave is salads, sandwiches and fruit).  Now that my belly is growing consistently I will be slathering on all the cocoa butter I can find!!  I want to keep my streak of no stretch marks :-)

Here are some updated weekly pics of the growing belly:

 And a bonus of my dog Yoda who LOVES this little baby boy already and chooses to only sleep on my belly!!