Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Another update :-)

Again, I am horrible about keeping up with this.. sorry!

Today I am 27 weeks! I cant believe how fast this journey has gone and im already in my 3rd trimester. WOW!! My doctors appts the last few times have gone great! I did go get monitored for my cervix to make sure its still closed and high and it looked perfect! After my next appt I start going every two weeks, I cant believe it. I am already registered for the hospital and I can honestly say I'm a little nervous for birth after almost 8 years lol. I have continued to stay active so my body can handle the labor. I am trying to go through labor with no epidural this time, so I'm hoping I can make it work.. but after my stomach flu a few weeks ago and the pain from that, I'm not quite sure lol.

My IF has asked me to give the baby boy his American name and I am so incredibly touched and emotional because I gave the name Jack and he liked it and Jack was my grandfathers name, so it means the world to me. My grandfather is gone and resting in Heaven, but having his name live on through a baby boy I helped bring into this world is amazing to me and I will forever be amazed at how special my IF is for that!

As for me, my pelvis is sore and I have a hard time getting up from the couch or my bed and I am down right exhausted all the time. My stomach is growing, but not as big as I would have thought.. but as long as baby is healthy, I'm not concerned. I have only gained 10 pounds and the doc says I'm right on track. The baby is always measuring a week ahead, so I'm thinking he will be a nice big boy!!

As for little Jack, he is growing nicely and getting stronger by the day. He kicks so much and now will show me what part of his body he is using lol. He is head down and has been since 18 weeks, all the way in my pelvis. He loves to start kicking right when I get comfy at night and must hate when I lay on my side because he always kicks the bed on the side I'm laying on lol. He loves loud music and loves when I sing. The kids get to feel him all the time and my daughter is so fascinated in my growing belly (she's 12 1/2) and is always stopping me as I walk by to touch it. I haven't yet felt him hiccup, but this is usually the time they start. He's a little bugger and every time I try to catch his movements on video, he goes into hiding lol. I will get him eventually :-)

My IF is awesome and surprised me with a pillow to help me sleep at night, its been the best thing since sliced bread lol.

Below I attached pics of the last 7 weeks :-)

The pillow my IF got for me :-)

1 comment:

  1. I am very happy that surrogacy exists, it was my saving grace and the only chance for me to become a mother! I am so happy now, thanks to the Feskov clinic in Ukraine and the surrogate mother! Regarding surrogacy, I found a Ukrainian law translated into English. I advise anyone interested to read it. https://www.mother-surrogate.com/pdf/surrogate_motherhood_law.pdf
